[Words from Twsnow.com] If you tell someone who doesn't follow snowboarding that Minnesota produces as many talented snowboarders as any state in the US, they will, at the very least, give you a puzzled look....
P: @snowboardermag Here's what I've got to say: It was my first Holy Bowly and I had been looking forward to it all winter. I arrived in Mammoth the night before and went to skate...
If you have ever rode powder you know it's about as much of a breathing exercise as a long distance running. Check out Think Thanker Ryan Paul being a true pro athlete in some snowboard cardio! <iframe...
"I first met Craig in 1983 at Mt. Baker where he, Carter Turk and Jeff Fulton showed me around. Throughout the 80s and 90s I would randomly run into Craig in different parts of the world....