"In 1999, Sessions released its first team film, Viva Sessions, an iconic movie that featured the riding of Jamie Lynn, Mike Ranquet, Travis Parker, Tara Dakides, and more. The iconography of the riders, as well as the Sessions brand was woven heavily into the seams of snowboarding in the 90’s and 2000’s. Few companies have had the opportunity to exist within the framework of snowboarding history while contributing to its future and as Sessions moves into 2016, looking back at the past is an integral part of moving forward. In Viva Sessions enjoy a re-introduction to the outerwear company that fostered so many legendary riders during a highlight of their careers and as we move into a new season, will continue to support progressive snowboarding. So, sit back, relax, and take a look back at an important aspect of snowboarding in Viva Sessions."
- Mary Walsh, Snowboarder Magazine.
- Mary Walsh, Snowboarder Magazine.