Jesse Paul Wins Transworld Rookie Of The Year!

Amy Gonzales

Sessions Outerwear's Jesse Paul took home Rookie Of The Year from Transworld Snowboarding. Check out the below and hit him up on Instagram (@jedipauls) for a shout out! Hell Yeah Jesse! ______________ [From TWSnow] In team...

Sessions Dealer Highlight: Invasion VT

Amy Gonzales

"One of the biggest aids right now I think is social media. And of course company's doing exactly what Sessions is allowing us to do right here." - Pete Ripley, Invasion VT owner. Invasion has...

Sessions Dealer Highlight: Darkside Snowboards

Amy Gonzales

"We embodied rebellion, thrashing around the mountains, and ruining all order that had been established by the then majority on the slopes [skiers]. We came from a place they didn't understand, that place was the...